Sara Lin partners with Casago on two spectacular vacation rental properties set within the stunning red rock landscape of Sedona, AZ. Lin’s relationship with Casago began in 2020, with transparency being one of the main reasons for switching over. She notes, “I think that’s a fear short-term rental owners have when working with agencies.”
Sedona, AZ
Home Specs
3B 2B
6 Guests
Sara Lin in Sedona, AZ is no stranger to property management companies. She has clear perspective of the importance of addressing her needs as a vacation rental homeowner.
Transparency, maintaining calm, and addressing solutions for homeowners were top priorities for Lin when looking to change property managers. Moreover, with Casago she also encountered problem solvers. Lin explains, “The Casago team is fantastic- they are problem solvers. Our previous managers were not, which brought us anxiety, so this was a huge difference for us.”
Through Casago’s Owners App, Lin is able to maintain a consistent view of how her two Sedona vacation rentals are faring. She can review information on work that may need to be done, communicate with the property manager, and above all prevent unwelcome surprises at the end of the month.
Lin emphasizes, “From the top down you can tell Casago trains their property managers to be very straight forward. I’m never surprised by anything.”
Given Lin’s experience with Casago in Sedona, there is no doubt in her mind she would partner with Casago on her Phoenix properties if she decides to make them short-term rentals. She highlights the importance of her relationship with Casago, “Because we have built a relationship and trust, I know they have my best interest in mind as an owner.”
“From the top down you can tell Casago trains their property managers to be very straight forward. I’m never surprised by anything.”
Schedule a call with Casago today