Puerto Peñasco, also known as Rocky Point, is nestled in the northwestern corner of the Mexican state of Sonora on Mexican highway #8 just 1 hour  (about 65 miles) from Sonoyta (Plutarco Elías Calles), Sonora.
Port of Entry in Lukeville, AZ into Sonoyta is generally one of the fastest and most popular routes to this beachside oasis. After crossing into Sonoyta, be sure to drive slowly through town and don’t forget speed limit will now be in kilometers per hour! MEX Highway 8 will lead you directly to Puerto Peñasco after skirting through desert landscape framed by the Pinacate range. As always, we encourage travel only during the day to ensure a pleasant trip and so you can easily spot any rough spots on the road. Hours at the Lukeville/Sonoyta border crossing are 6 a.m. – 8 p.m. Starting March 1, 2024, this has been extended to 10 p.m. BUT ONLY ON FRIDAYS.
Map of US and Mexico with an arrow pointing to Rocky Point.

When driving to Puerto Peñasco from spots west, some travelers opt to stay on I-8 to Gila Bend, AZ and then south to the traditional Lukeville/Sonoyta border crossing. Another option is to cross into Mexico via Mexicali/Calexico or the San Luis port of entry and take the “Coastal Highway” to Puerto Peñasco. NOTE: Spring 2024 – periodic roadwork projects in spots along coastal route

San Luis Port of Entry:   After crossing the San Luis Port of Entry, remain on MEX-2 east toward Sonoyta, exiting shortly outside of San Luis Rio Colorado at the sign toward El Golfo. This leads to the “Coastal Highway” connecting El Golfo to Puerto Peñasco and includes a short toll-road (approximately 110 pesos). Please note: The Coastal Highway may present drifting sand and spots of rough road conditions due to erosion.  As a second option, if driving to Sonoyta, continue on MEX-2 and then take MEX-8 south to Puerto Peñasco.




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