Manny’s Beach Club has long been known as the place to go to for drinks on the beach. However, with the new owners, it’s also becoming a place to go for events and activities. 

Incredible Beachfront Exterior, Palapas, and Seating at Manny's Beach Club in Puerto Penasco | Top Things To Do in Rocky Point, MX

Public Yoga Classes at Manny’s Beach Club

If you like to go to Yoga, Manny’s is the place to be. They offer the perfect setting for relaxation, right on the beach where you can soak up the fresh air and sunshine. Flow yoga classes are held every Saturday at 9:30 am. These classes will take you through movement with breath, core, balance strength and flexibility. Moreover, the Yin yoga classes are held every Wednesday at 9:30am and will focus on slow, deep stretching. Both classes are taught by Michele Regan, who has years of experience in teaching yoga.

The cost for the classes are $8.00 for local residents. Fellow Instructors are $5.00 and drop-ins will pay $10.00. Classes are held on the main stage area.

Concerts in Rocky Point at Manny’s

Additionally, Manny’s is becoming a venue for concerts!  Starting March 25th for 3 days you can enjoy Manny’s Country Bash. The cost for the concert is $75.00 USD for general admission for 3 days or $40.00 for day passes at the gate.  Below is the line up for the concert.

Incredible Beachfront Exterior, Palapas, and Seating at Manny's Beach Club in Puerto Penasco | Top Things To Do in Rocky Point, MX

March 25, 2022 Set

12:00 pm DJ Real

2:00pm    The Summer

4:00 pm   Backroads

6:00 pm   Chauncey Jones

8:00 pm   Josh Ray

10:00 pm Matt Farris

11:00 am Los Ponchos

March 26, 2022 Set 

1:00 pm   Backroads

3:00 pm   Buddy Martell

5:00 pm    Duane Moore and Mogollon

7:00 pm    Matt Farris

9:00 pm    Jaty and the Black Stallion

March 27, 2022 Set

12:00 pm  Chauncey Jones

2:00 pm    Duane Moore and Mogollon

4:00 pm    Josh Ray

6:00 pm    Jaty and the Back Stallions

8:00 pm    Buddy Martell

Upcoming Events at Manny’s 

Furthermore, the next event will be the Corn Hole Tournament which will be hosted by Manny’s on April 22nd  and April 23rd. This is always a fun event. Registration for this event is ongoing, it will end on April 22nd.

The check ins for Friday are: Intermediate Doubles 10:00 am and bags fly at 11:00 am, Advanced Singles 12:30pm and bags fly at 1:30pm and Competitive Singles 2:00 pm with bags flying at 3:00 pm.

On the 23rd, Intermediate Doubles check in at 10:00 am with bags flying at 11:00 am. Next, Advanced Singles check in is at 11:00 am with bags flying at 12:00 noon and the Competitive Singles check in is at 12:30 with bags flying at 1:20. 

Registration fees are $50.00 for Intermediate Doubles, $80.00 for Advanced Singles and $60.00 for Competitive Singles. If you have not yet registered, it isn’t too late! You can still sign up at Scoreholio so you can come get in on the fun.

Clearly, there are plenty of exciting events happening at Manny’s! Check their website to stay in the loop on events to come. 


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